Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mika sucks ass.

It was Andrea and Cameron's engagement dinner last night so I got to see the technicolor gang! *Whee! Everything is back in place! I haven't seen them in months which made me a little wistful because I used to see them ALL the time but last night made me feel as if I've always been there and nothing has changed. Elle is still as level-headed as ever, how she's constantly so temperate and objective still amazes me. Plus she's the perfect wife! Perry is still a ding-dong. But you know, the kind of ding-dong everyone looks up to, or at least I do. He's really one of the kind. Tyler is still the best friend anybody and everybody should be so lucky to have, I cannot stress this enough. Aran seemed to have mellowed (why keep thinking of new projects ah!) a little but I got to see Bawanee quite the tipsy! Fun! She should be drunk all the time! Eve looked like she's mellowed too, very "teacherly" hehe. Joachim is still Joachim, borderline weird, but the cool kinda weird of course. As for Andre, I only know him as the Happy Buddha. So again, Congratulations Andrea and Cameron! You're both a great catch on your own so that makes a great couple!

I watched Transformers today. Not that I was very eager to watch it but I fell asleep for a little while toward the end. When I told the rest I fell asleep for a while they looked at me aghast. Then again when I tell people my all-time favourite movie is Bandits they give me that wary look hm.

I went to Somo just now for the first time. We were supposed to go to Finnigan's but when Arthur and I reached there was extremely loud hip hop music (and not the good kind) playing that just turned me off. So Art suggested Somo.

"You'll love the place Stel. It's damn chill and bla bla bla"
"Art, after years of being my friend you do realize that I can't stand "high-class" places right? Makes me feel out of place."
After I said that he had this uncomfortable "err" look on his face so I said "But its okay, its always the company that counts."
His face softened when I added "As long as there isn't anybody there that would make me want to shoot them."

(I realize today was an eventful day! A movie and a erm bar place in one day! I guess I've mellowed too. I'm quite tired of Velvet and the nightlife. I just wanna be home all the time. But my friends don't particularly like hanging out in my house's time to get back in the game HARHAR)

Okay I know. I say incredibly uncomfortable things sometimes. I'm honest. I like or don't like I say la you can't take the heat then don't talk to me.

Hasn't everyone noticed how I am? Having known me for years even if we're not close. People who don't know me so well say to me "Oh you'll like it everyone says the place/food/whatever damn nice. And I always say the same old thing, "My opinion and taste usually differs from "everyone else." But then the person looks uncomfortable..and the atmosphere would be awkward. But frankly I just don't give a shit :D My close friends know how I am. Rachel looked at Mel and I, I dressed in a demin skirt, plain top and cons and Mel in some black dress and said "You both look damn different." She herself was in skin-tight grey leggings and some kind of longish top with big buttons that I don't know what its called. So we're all different. And we usually hate the things the other likes. Except

Oh, the next person who asks me to go to Laundry for the 100th time in the past year is really gonna get it. It's realllly getting old. Actually it's toned down now, when the place had just opened I heard the word Laundry so much I started to curse when its mentioned.

Anyway, my post has gone from a happy beginning to a happily irritated end, time for bed!


Anonymous said...

Why thank's nice to know that I'm the dings-of-the-dongs haha ;)

How can you not like Mika??

Anonymous said...

Mika rawks my pink little frock off...

Stella said...

perry: you the king of the dongs!

joaksmith: just the frock? doesn't rock that good then :P

UnkleBus said...

woah woah all of you!

relax... take it eaaaaa eaaaaahhh sieeeeeee

Stella said...

fingernails on a blackboard o.O

Anonymous said...

eh... ur memory kinda sux la... it was a WHITE dress. not black!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree wit d Stel 101% ;) Mika sucks ass... Big time! *Bleck*

Aunt Bubbly said...

OKIE this is where i come in ...when someone caci my current fav singer...u watch out....elle&stel....ull see mika when u see eve....bitches! =p hahaha

Lala said...

Does dat mean I should stay clear of U till Ur Mika phase is over? LOL

Stella said...

let's hope its just a phase!!